Sometimes God just knocks the breath right out of me. Apart from my last blog, I haven't done any support raising for my return trip to Haiti. Emphasis on I. Yet again, God shows up to make it clear He has it worked out....
Today, not one but TWO wonderful people handed me cash to support the trip. Their support combined gives me enough to buy the plane ticket for the last leg of my trip! As much as I might like Miami, I hadn't planned on moving there so I'm very grateful to be able to buy this plane ticket to get back to San Diego on January 5th. With the pressure off of transportation, I can now focus on raising support for the costs of staying at RENMEN (she's asked for a 20$/day towards room/board) and raising money for the kids.
Big thanks to Anthony & Bernie, you guys are such a blessing & encouragement and I am so grateful for you! May the Lord reward you for your kindness...May the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge, reward you fully for what you have done. ~ Ruth 1:8/2:12
**HUG** just read this.......I am greatful for you too. You are a complete blessing to me. I am just glad the Lord can use me to help.....