Sorry for the randomness, but my journal was mostly just a bullet list of things :)
- lovin`the return of the spicey hatian pasta for breakfast
- LOTS of play time, coloring the naissance de Jesus bible story
- mobbed by kids when broke out stickers
- making thank you greeting card & taking pictures for people back home
- morning QT with the five of us in Momma`s room
- ZERO personal space (being intentional NOT to have any since our time with the kids is so short this round)
- temperature is amaaaazing
- kids feel different, entirely different comfort level with us... like family
- my hair gets done about 2x a day by different kids, cornrows are a hit with them, trying to keep patience level super high esp when it kinda hurts while they do it lol
- Rachelle sticks to me like glue at all times
- So happy to b here, can`t believe it is the end of 2010 already, wild to think of where I was at spiritually and emotionally a year ago. God is goooood Romans 12:2
- So grateful for everyone who allowed God to use them to get me here for the 2nd time in 6 months.... from me & the kids at RENMEN a great big MESI!

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