Friday, December 31, 2010
New Years Email
Thursday, December 30, 2010
A day at RENMEN

- lovin`the return of the spicey hatian pasta for breakfast
- LOTS of play time, coloring the naissance de Jesus bible story
- mobbed by kids when broke out stickers
- making thank you greeting card & taking pictures for people back home
- morning QT with the five of us in Momma`s room
- ZERO personal space (being intentional NOT to have any since our time with the kids is so short this round)
- temperature is amaaaazing
- kids feel different, entirely different comfort level with us... like family
- my hair gets done about 2x a day by different kids, cornrows are a hit with them, trying to keep patience level super high esp when it kinda hurts while they do it lol
- Rachelle sticks to me like glue at all times
- So happy to b here, can`t believe it is the end of 2010 already, wild to think of where I was at spiritually and emotionally a year ago. God is goooood Romans 12:2
- So grateful for everyone who allowed God to use them to get me here for the 2nd time in 6 months.... from me & the kids at RENMEN a great big MESI!
like coming home...
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Hatian Dance Parties
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
a not-so-smooth departure
Monday, December 27, 2010
Lorna & Peter Hughey,Gary Dinkel & Alberta Piché, Rodney & Annette, Mike & Jess, Matthew Phillips.... THANK YOU!!! You generosity is so touching... often what matters most in life is how we respond to life... your response to give truly is a gift. These kids are going to be so blessed because of you.
Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than we can we can ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be the glory. Ephesians 3:20
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Christmas card fundraiser & other surprises
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
because pictures speak louder than words...
Haiti, June 2010. from TIffany Handley on Vimeo.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart....
As long as you maintain your own personal interests and ambitions, you cannot be completely aligned or identified with God’s interests. This can only be accomplished by giving up all of your personal plans once and for all, and by allowing God to take you directly into His purpose for the world. Your understanding of your ways must also be surrendered, because they are now the ways of the Lord. I must learn that the purpose of my life belongs to God, not me.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
sacrificial giving... a reality "check"
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Proverbs 18:16
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
Returning to RENMEN!
I remember the exact moment I first consciously acknowledged that God was putting it on my heart to return to Haiti. I was sitting by the sludge-free pool with Emily after our team had cleaned it out with the kids. Afterwards, I remember praying that if God provided the finances, I would return not just to Haiti but specifically to the children at forward to days after I get back to San Diego. An unexpected email about a bonus I was told I wasn't going to get. In the email in June, I was told that there had been a change and we would in fact be getting a bonus for the amount of $600. For me, this was confirmation of the call to return; I set that money aside and promised that I would use it to honor God's calling on my heart.
In the meantime, the older children at RENMEN use the computers to write me letters via Facebook (yes, amazing how far reaching social networks go!) that pull my heart in ways I can't put into words. My heart has become like a wild garden with corners and spaces that God brings light and love to through their words and love. Yes, the children bring me love. It still blows my mind how much God uses them to show me and teach me about His love for me.
Through the past three months my car has broken down (yes, again), I've had to replace a cell phone, and pay for major work on my computer because of a virus. I've also had to give up my current housing because of rent increase, look for new housing, and budget for costs that go along with that. All of these expenses were not included in my budget, which was extremly tight from not working in June and minimally in July. But I refused to touch that money. And just as He promises, God has carried me through. I wish I could say I haven't been anxious at all over the past three months, but through that God has been patient with me, teaching me to let go of worry and what walking with Him looks and feels like when you lay that worry down:
For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? "Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they? And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to to his life? Matthew 6:25
Not only has God carried me through, He blessed me with unexpected work in September that has enabled me to almost clear a debt that needs to be paid off by the end of October. And, as of October 1st, I now have health insurance provided for through work even though I am still part time.
My hunger for God has grown exponentially since Haiti. I'm about 2/3 of the way through a 40 day fast, which started off as a food-fast from sun up to sundown and quickly became a full out, liquids-only fast. In and of itself to talk about this experience would be an entirely new blog... There's no denying that I want more. C.S. Lewis writes:
If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.I'm walking in the weight of this.
And so, that $600.00 remained untouched. Waiting for God's timing to be used. Until today. Today, it was used to purchase a one way plane ticket from Toronto on Dec. 29th (where I will be for the holidays) to Miami, and a return ticket for Miami to Port-au-Prince from December 29th- January 5th. So yes, that means I will be spending New Years Eve with 55 children in Haiti and I can't think of anywhere on earth I would rather be!
I currently do not have enough funds to purchas a ticket from Miami to San Diego, or to cover the $20 a day it will cost for room, board, and transportation while I am at RENMEN from Dec. 29th-January 5th. But I KNOW God will provide. I can't wait to see when, where, and who He will use, but to know that somehow He will be taking me back to those children has given me an overwhelming sense of peace. They own a huge chunk of real estate in my heart and we (Amy & Emily are also returning with me) have asked Mama Florence to keep it a secret from them so we can be a Christmas surprise. Mama wrote us today saying:
I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXITED AND VERY HAPPY . The kids will have a blessed holiday with you around, they were asking this afternoon "is there anyway they will see you one day" and I gave them a flat "No, they went to make other kids happy." Bless you all.
And so tonight I sit in a peace that is beyond all understanding, a joy that is complete, a love that is faithful; tonight I sit in expectancy for how God is going to continue to move in my life in ways that humble me and bring my heart to it's knees.
If you are reading this and God has put it on your heart in any way to support me, whether it is in prayer or financially, in my returning to Haiti and RENMEN please don't hesitate to contact me ( I need to raise another $390 to be fully supported.
Or, if a burden has been placed on your heart the way it has mine to make a committment to these children, to let them know they are not forgotten 10 months after the earthquake, and you have a desire to sponsor their education or even come with me to Haiti, please prayerfully consider taking a step of faith and contact me to find out how you can be a part of loving on God's children.
How to Sponsor a Child at RENMEN
Phone: 011-509-3464-5399 / 011-509-3476-5050
Friday, October 1, 2010
Returning to RENMEN: Support needed
Thursday, September 30, 2010
" The best way I can talk about Haiti"~Tiffany Handley
Haiti, June 2010. from TIffany Handley on Vimeo.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Journal entries being posted...
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Strengthen the Church. Strengthen Haiti.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
To my incredible family and friends... (copy of thank you letter)
Dear Friends and Family,
I’m still trying to figure out exactly how long I was in Haiti. According to the calendar it was only a month, but the number of truths, experiences, and miracles God revealed to me were enough to last at least five. Forgive the delay in sending out this letter, but I realized, soon after returning that words seem too shallow to express the ways God’s Spirit worked through my team. What I can tell you, is that God shattered every expectation that you or I could ever imagine from a ‘mission trip’. I’d first like to sincerely thank you for the part you played in influencing so many lives, including my own. Even before I arrived in Haiti, God was already using you to teach me lessons in giving – whether financially or in prayer.
Had anyone told me even two years ago I’d be visiting Haiti I probably wouldn’t have believed them. Haiti was not on my radar as a place to travel until about a year ago, and after getting to spend the month of June there I’m so happy to tell you that I honestly cannot wait to return and once again witness God using a tragedy to glorify His Kingdom. Though it’s estimated that nearly 300,000 Haitians were killed in the January earthquake, and a million other’s left homeless, I saw firsthand Haiti’s spiritual awakening and lives being changed forever.
My team was sent to the RENMEN Orphanage (, just outside of the capital, Port-au-Prince, where the earthquake occurred. Though we arrived ready to work, we quickly found that God had more planned for us than just physical labor. After falling in love with the 55 children at the orphanage, we ministered to them by playing soccer and football, working on projects, leading Sunday church, having Bible studies, and enjoying the World Cup. Experiencing sincere unity with each other, my team was able to pour our hearts into each other, and the children. During this time of giving, God revealed so much to me, and opened my eyes to Spiritual Gifts in me that I previously never thought possible.
We were all called to ministry to different children in different ways. The men in our group were called to focus our ministry on the 10 boys at the orphanage. Each boy had a unique, heartbreaking story. There was Frantze, the 17-year-old that grew up as a slave in his own family, and Papoosh, whose mother died from AIDS soon after admitting to him that she was a prostitute. Most of the girls were called to minister to the younger children and spent hours playing and loving on them. I, however, was called to the older girls. Speaking French was a divine appointment and I got to bond with them in such a special way. I am still blown away by the fact that as much as I thought I was being sent to Haiti to help and minister to others, these young women in fact ministered to me and taught me so much about love and servant hood. For the part you played, thank you. You can see photos and learn about the individual children by visiting the RENMEN page on Facebook.
I am overwhelmingly appreciative for the prayers and financial support I received, and look forward to telling you about the future plans God has for me. My heart literally aches to go back to RENMEN and the 65 children who own a substantial portion of my heart. God willing, if I am able to raise the support fund again I am planning to return to in late December.
Melanie Piche
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
US Senate report says Haiti rebuilding has stalled -
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — Haiti has made little progress in rebuilding in the five months since its earthquake, because of an absence of leadership, disagreements among donors and general disorganization, a U.S. Senate report says.
Obtained Monday by The Associated Press, the eight-page report is meant to give Congress a picture of Haiti today as U.S. legislators consider authorizing $2 billion to support the country's reconstruction.
That picture is grim: Millions displaced from their homes, rubble and collapsed buildings still dominating the landscape. Three weeks into hurricane season, with tropical rains lashing the capital daily, construction is being held up by land disputes and customs delays while plans for moving people out of tent-and-tarp settlements remain in "early draft form," it says.
The report was written by staff of Sen. John Kerry, the Massachuetts Democrat who is chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and other Democrats who interviewed U.S., Haitian, United Nations and other officials and visited resettlement camps, hospitals and schools throughout the quake zone.
"While many immediate humanitarian relief priorities appear to have been met, there are troubling signs that the recovery and longer term rebuilding activities are flagging," said the report, which is scheduled to be released Tuesday.
Three times it says the rebuilding process has "stalled" since the Jan. 12 disaster.
The report also criticizes the government of Haitian President Rene Preval and Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive, saying it has "not done an effective job of communicating to Haitians that it is in charge and ready to lead the rebuilding effort." The report calls on Preval to take a "more visible and active role, despite the difficulties."
Bellerive responded to the criticism in a Monday interview with the AP. He said officials are working hard behind the scenes to ensure reconstruction does not simply mean the rebuilding of barely livable slums.
"We understand the impatience and we are the ones more frustrated than anybody," the prime minister said. "It took some time. I believe four months (since a U.N. donors' conference in March) to plan the refoundation from such a disaster is pretty acceptable."
With a chuckle, he also said it is unfair for U.S. officials to take him to task when the Senate still has not approved aid money that Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton promised at the donors' conference.
"They ask me to move more projects when the money is still on hold," Bellerive said.
In all, just 2 percent of the $5.3 billion in near-term aid pledges have actually been delivered, up from 1 percent last week.
The report expresses concerns that even once the money is in hand, it will not move quickly enough to help. The funds are managed by a 26-member reconstruction commission led by Bellerive and former U.S. President Bill Clinton that started its operations last week.
While the report calls the commission the "best near-term prospect for driving rebuilding," it also says the panel "has the potential to dramatically slow things down through cumbersome bureaucratic obstacles at a time when Haiti cannot afford to delay."
The report notes disagreements among donors over strategy, approach and priorities, saying the disputes "are undercutting recovery and rebuilding."
The reconstruction panel includes representatives of donors who pledged at least $100 million in cash or $200 million of debt relief, including the United States, Venezuela, Brazil, Canada, the European Union, the Inter-American Development Bank and the World Bank.
Bellerive said the report's criticism that the panel has been too slow in organizing is already moot. "We had a meeting, we have an office, we have administrative support," he said.
One thing on which all parties agree is the importance of November elections. The legislature has almost entirely dissolved after members' terms expired because the quake forced the cancellation of February legislative elections. Preval's five-year term ends next February; an attempt to prolong his term by several months if elections are not held resulted in protesters clashing with police in front of the ruins of the presidential palace.
Failing to hold the November elections on time, even despite the losses of the electoral commission's headquarters and records, could imperil "Haiti's fragile democracy," the report says. But it expresses limited optimism that a plan for holding the vote is "apparently imminent."
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