We're finding out a bit more about the details of where/how we'll be spending our time in Haiti. AIM is stressing that as Logistics & Setup continues to put things together, we need to remember that plans are always subject to change. God is, after all, allowed to do whatever He wants, whenever He wants! So, it is entirely possible that God may change some of these plans, but here is what is in the works (I'm excited!!!):
2) Mission of Hope (Grand Guave, an hour up the coast from Port-au-Prince) - teams will be camping in a compound along the beach. They are currently rebuilding this compound as it was destroyed in the earthquake. The needs of this area are ministry to the orphans, teaching English in their school, construction, and serving in the local church.
3) Renmen Orphanage (Port-au-Prince) - This is actually a catholic orphanage that suffered some damage during the quake. It is mostly girls at this orphanage, but the need for discipleship, construction, and outreach to the community around are HUGE right now. One of the contacts is a Canadian priest who is very open and welcoming to other denominational groups. Tremendous ministry opportunity here and teams will also be camping within the compound.
4) Pastor Jean-Claude (Fon Tamara, suburb of Port-au-Prince) - This man is incredible! Tremendous heart for the Lord and for transformation of his community. Teams will be serving in "tent cities" putting up tarps and temporary housing along with feeding/outreach ministries. They will also be serving with Pastor JC in his church by teaching, preaching, and discipleship.
(kids in the picture are some of the faces of the beautiful children at Pastor Enoch's, another community AIM has partnered with in Port-au-Prince)... can't wait to love on these kids... only 40 more days!!!
Sounds well thought out.