Strangely, the word that I kept getting over and over in my head while we waiting in the immigration line was "home". Over and over. Not sure what this means.... this isn't my home... it was absolute chaos... but God kept giving me "home"...

First impressions.... physically & geographically it is a mix of Grenada and Ecuador.... but as if a bomb went off.

Rainy and sooo much greener than expected. Lush, and tropical.
After we got out of the airport they piled us into a yellow school bus, virtually sitting on top of each other and the two mile drive was so completely stop-and-go that it took about 45 minutes. And still, it didnt' seem real. I still haven't wrapped my mind around the fact that I'm in Haiti....

We're staying at a guest house for the next day to get briefed on our month. Its a beautiful compound - there is AC!? Not expected.
Amazing worship session tonight. I'm not sure song has ever sounded so beautiful - it was as if you could hear everyone's hunger for God. You can feel God's presence so strongly here... Leadership spoke of how we're not bringing Him to Haiti but helping to bring Him forth. Powerful message... be ready to listen and look for God moving in the nation, reconciling her back to Him.
Finally got to find out who is on whose team. We're headed to an a catholic orphanage, about 15 minutes away. Maybe once we get there being in Haiti will feel more real. I'm soooo tired... slept for maybe 2 hours last night in the homeless shelter. Excited for tomorrow.
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